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הוד/Hod is the Key

Key of Hod

Secrets of Lag B'Omer & Patichat Eliyahu

The day that Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai chose to ascend from this world was the day of Lag B'Omer. As is known, this day is the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer. The Sefira for this day is הוד שב"הוד (Hod of Hod). This was the day that Rabbi Shimon Gathered his talmidim and gave the revelation of the Idra Zuta (one of the most profound secrets of the Sefirot as related to the highest levels of Keter called the Atika Kadisha). These secrets are related also to the secrets that are contained in the Patichat Eliyahu.

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai chose this day especially with these Sefirot to give us a hint that it is through Hod, that the main rectification will happen through. Hod is the Key!

It is important to know that the gematria of הוד (Hod) is 15, and that the gematria AtBash is 270, which is the same as the regular gematria of the word רע (evil).

Come now and understand! The name יהודה (Yehuda) is in itself a key to reaching our destined goal, the purpose of our creation! Within the center of this name יהודה (Yehuda) is the word הוד (Hod) It is flanked by the very first two letters of the name of G-d,  י-ה. Now also understand that both of these share the same gematria of 15. The reason for this is because they are one. This is the secret of הוד! The true deeper meaning of הוד is the spiritual maturity of one’s soul, that understands the directive of the Will (רצון) of G-d. Therefore a person's will is in accordance with G-d''s Will by the person's free will of choice. This is what Hashem (G-d) wanted for Man from the very beginning! He did not want us to be like robots without free choice. If this were so, we would be at the opposite side of the spectrum from G-d in our relationship/closeness to Him. It is well known and established, that in the spiritual realm, closeness is determined by similarity. Therefore, because Hashem of course has free will, He created us with free will. When our spiritual will/desire (רצון) reaches maturity, then our will/desire (רצון) is in alignment with Hashem's, where we will know the difference between Good and Evil (טוב ורע), but only want to choose Good (טוב). Because of this, the Will (רצון) that we exercise that is Hod-הוד at its mature level, is the same as the directive of the Will (רצון) of Hashem that is found in the two first letters of His Name corresponding to י-ה, which corresponds to Keter, Chochma, and Bina (כתר, חכמה, ובינה). This is why this name is יהודה (Yehuda) and what it really means at its core. Now know, that Hashem has imbued this spiritual DNA of יהודה and all this concept that it represents within the very essence of all the Children of Israel's soul(s)!

When we achieve this level of "Mature Understanding" (דעת בוגרת), Then we will transform the name of יהודה (Yehuda) in to the Name of    יה-יה , where our Chochma, and Bina ( חכמה, ובינה) are aligned/similar with that of G-d's. This is the secret of the verse and words in Zecharya 14:9, וְהָיָ֧ה יְקוָ֛ק לְמֶ֖לֶךְ עַל־כָּל־הָאָ֑רֶץ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא יִֽהְיֶ֧ה יְקוָ֛ק אֶחָ֖ד וּשְׁמ֥וֹ אֶחָֽד: "And the L-rd shall become King over all the earth; on that day shall the L-rd be one, and His name one."

How Do We Begin?

The Rectification through Tehilim 120-134

These are very special chapters of Tehilim. They are comprised of exactly 15 chapters that all begin with the words "A Song of Ascents" - שיר המעלות. There is one exception though because chapter 121 begins with the words, "A Song To Ascents", שיר למעלות.

Why is this so, and why were these particular 15 prayers placed here to be the chapter numbers 120-134?

Here are some of the secrets! The 15 chapters are a hint to the power and rectification through Hod-הוד whose gematria equals 15. The Sigma Σ of 15 is the value 120, thus the connection between these two numbers and concepts!

Therefore, one should say and pray these 15 Tehilim daily, with the kavana requesting from G-d, that through the attribute of Hod (and what it symbolizes) that  it will rectify the blemish in our level of knowledge that causes our immature Da'at (knowledge), so that we will finally reach the proper level of mature Da'at.

There is No Magic Formula!

These are very special chapters of Tehilim. They are comprised of exactly 15 chapters that all begin with the words "A Song of Ascents" - שיר המעלות. There is one exception though because chapter 121 begins with the words, "A Song To Ascents", שיר למעלות.

Why is this so, and why were these particular 15 prayers placed here to be the chapter numbers 120-134?

Here are some of the secrets! The 15 chapters are a hint to the power and rectification through Hod-הוד whose gematria equals 15. The Sigma Σ of 15 is the value 120, thus the connection between these two numbers and concepts!

Therefore, one should say and pray these 15 Tehilim daily, with the kavana requesting from G-d, that through the attribute of Hod (and what it symbolizes) that  it will rectify the blemish in our level of knowledge that causes our immature Da'at (knowledge), so that we will finally reach the proper level of mature Da'at.

It must be emphasized that there is no magic formula! One can not think that just by saying these 15 chapters of Tehilim, that he or she will be able to achieve the level of having mature knowledge! This is not true! Only through doing the Mitzvot of the Torah (doing the positive ones and not transgressing against the ones that G-d commanded us not to do), and the study of the Torah, are we able to achieve this. These are the foundation of everything! These 15 chapters of Tehilim are a supplement or catalyst that can cause  the transformation and elevation to the spiritual psyche of the collective soul of the Children of Israel, that will spread out from them to influence and thus elevate all the rest of mankind.

This is the secret of the Hebrew word הודאות - Hoda'ot (thanks). This word can be understood as two Hebrew words -  אות הוד (the sign of Hod). The gematria of this word equals 422, which is the same as the Hebrew word שבעים (seventy, a hint to the 70 collective root souls of the Children of Israel, as well as their power). Now see even a bigger hint and secret to all of this! the gematria of the Hebrew word בהודאות (in gratitude) equals 424. This is the same gematria as the Hebrew word בְּשִׁבְעִ֣ים (in seventy), meaning contained within the seventy root soul(s) - the spiritual source and root of the Children of Israel. This gematria is also the same as the Hebrew words "משיח בן דוד"  (Messiah son of David)!  It is also important to remember what was already written also, that the gematria of the three Hebrew words, אהבה, הודאות, אחדות  (Love, Thanks, and Unity), equal 854. This is a hint to the possible key to our final redemption! The clue lies in the Hebrew words, בשבעים נפש (in seventy souls), where these two words together have the gematria that equal 854, as written, Devarim 10:22, "With seventy souls, Your forefathers descended to Egypt, and now the L-rd, your G-d, has made you as the stars of heaven in abundance." (בְּשִׁבְעִ֣ים נֶ֔פֶשׁ יָֽרְד֥וּ אֲבֹתֶ֖יךָ מִצְרָ֑יְמָה וְעַתָּ֗ה שָֽׂמְךָ֙ יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ כְּכֽוֹכְבֵ֥י הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם לָרֹֽב:)

Therefore the Hebrew word for soul is in the singular, written as נפש (soul - signifying one collective soul) instead of the plural, נפשות (souls).

As mentioned earlier, Hashem has imbued this spiritual DNA of יהודה and all this concept that it represents within the very essence of all the Children of Israel's soul(s). Therefore, the gematria of יהודה (Yehuda) which equals 30, we already posses. When we add the additional level of הוד (Hod) and activate its spiritual power through these 15 special chapters of Tehilim, Then we are adding an additional 15 to our 30 that together equals 45, which is the same gematria of the 45 value Name of G-d called M"A (יוד-הא-ואו-הא), and the gematria of Adom (אדם) - Man. 

The Name

Completing the Name of G-d

Here begin the secrets that are alluded to in the Section of the Tikune Zohar called the Patichat Eliyahu. (these secrets and mysteries are very deep, and will not be understood by everyone. Purposely not all Hebrew words are translated)

What does Eliyahu mean that Hashem's Holy name spelled in full as: אֹות יֹו"ד וְאֹות ה"א וְאֹות וָא"ו וְאֹות ה"א is the way of the world of Atzilut? For those again well versed in this knowledge, it would make more sense to have said that the Holy Name when spelled with  the Hebrew letter Yud , this being the Name of ע״ב, would have been more proper to have been applied to this statement, as it is the Name that denotes the world of Atzilut. If one wants to argue about this, because it is written- the way of the world of Atzilut, meaning the way to get to the world of Atzilut, but not Atzilut itself, then accordingly, it would have made more sense to use the Holy Name that is linked to the world directly below, that of Beryia, which is the Name spelled in full accordingly to ס״ג. Why use this particular spelling of this Holy Name that equals to מ״ה, that is accordingly pertaining to the world of Yetzira? The next verse gives us a part of the answer –

אִיהוּ שַׁקְיוּ דְאִילָנָא בִּדְרוֹעוֹי וְעַנְפּוֹי, כְּמַיָּא דְאַשְׁקֵי לְאִילָנָא, וְאִתְרַבֵּי בְּהַהוּא שַׁקְיוּ

  “And this name waters the tree with its arms and branches, like a tree which grows and develops through that watering.” This Tree is the totality which comprises all the Sefirot including their order and structure. It is thus through this Holy Name of Hashem, that He causes all the Sefirot to receive their life force from and fulfill the purpose of creation. Knowing this, now gives us understanding of a wonder! This name of 45 - מה, is the same that pertains to the world of Yetzira, but it is also the same Name that pertains to the highest inner aspect of Atzilut, which denotes the highest Will – רצון דעליא.This is thus also the Name of Hashem according to the highest world; that of אדם קדמן (Adom Kadmon)!  The text continues two verses later –

רִבּוֹן הָעוֹלָמִים, אַנְתְּ הוּא עִלַּת הָעִלּוֹת, סִבַּת הַסִּבּוֹת, דְּאַשְׁקֵי לְאִילָנָא בְּהַהוּא נְבִיעוּ, וְהַהוּא נְבִיעוּ אִיהוּ כְּנִשְׁמָתָא לְגוּפָא,..

" Master of the worlds, You are the Supernal of all Supernals, the Cause of all causes. You bring water to the Tree from that spring, and that spring is like a neshama to the body.

Later we are told, "

שֶׁרֹאשִׁי נִמְלָא טָל (שיר ה :ב) “For my head is filled with dew." What is “filled with dew”? And the Holy One, Bless be He said, you may think that, from the day that the Holy Temple was destroyed, I entered my house and dwelling place, but it is not so. I will not enter as long as you are in exile. Here is your sign, “My head is filled with dew”. הא is the Shechinah in exile, her completion and her life is “dew” טל, which is יוד-הא-ואו and the letter values sums up to 39 טל, dew. It fills up the Shechinah from the source of all the supernal emanations."


This means that Hashem looks at the supernal pattern that he created, and then sees that the lower pattern (this is the 45 Name of G-d, יֹו"ד - ה"א -וָא"ו -ה"א which is not complete because the last part of the Name ה"א is missing because it fell into the world of Asiah [this physical world] trampled into the dust (of exile))  as the supernal one (the 45 Name of G-d, יֹו"ד - ה"א -וָא"ו -ה"א which is complete in the world of Adom Kadmon, and can never be damaged) that it is supposed to mirror. Because of this His head is filled with טל, as is then explicitly explained. After this lengthy explanation, we conclude with this most important information- דְּאִיהוּ מַלְיָא לִשְׁכִינְתָּא מִנְּבִיעוּ דְּכָל מְקוֹרִין עִלָּאִין,-"That this name fills the Shechina from the flowing springs of all the supernal sources". 

Behold here is the meaning of this verse! The remaining 3 letter name of Hashem  יוד, ואות הא, ואות ואו which remains in the world of יצירה fills the Shechina from the flowing springs, these are the four letters יוד, ואות הא, ואות ואו, ואות הא, as they are always complete, of all the supernal sources, this means, as the Shefa flows down from the supernal spring of this MA, (world of Adom Kadmon) and then flows down to the lower worlds of אצילות, בריאה, יצירה, according to those who understand the Holy Name in accordance to - עב, סג, מה. It is there in the world of Yetzira, the Shefa cannot flow down in its proper flow to this world of Asiya, but instead only as a bare minimum like a thread that is just enough to sustain His Sister - the הא which is the שכינה trapped in the exile and trampled in the dust.

Come now and understand! It was at this point that -  מִיָּד קָם רַעִיָא מְהֵימְנָא, וַאֲבָהָן קַדִּישִׁין עִמֵּיהּ. “Immediately, the Trustworthy Shepherd stood up, and the Holy Forefathers with him”- in order to reveal to Rabbi Shimon these secrets and the tikun that is needed that will cause the הא - the Shechina, to rise from the dust and take her rightful position next to the ואו in יצירה that will repair the broken pipe and allow the Shefa to flow forth to this world, where the lower Name becomes MA once again, that mirrors the supernal MA. 

This is also the secret of מים, and the secret why the word שקיו is written twice in the above verse mentioned previously. As we all ask, how are we to understand the second posuk of the Torah, -  מְרַחֶפֶת עַל־פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם׃ וְהָאָרֶץ הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ וְחֹשֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵי תְהֹום וְרוּחַ אֱ-לֹ-הִ-ים. What is this מים? It would also seem that "מים" preceded the creation of light. Also, there is no dibur, יהי מים. Does this then infer that מים was not thus created, or that it differs exponentially from anything else that was created? The answer to this is of course yes! This is why our greatest sages warned us about trying to understand what was prior to creation, because the vast majority of even our people will become very confused by this information for they don't have the natural capacity to understand these things. It was not until Rabbi Shimon wrote these secrets in a concealed form in the Zohar that they began to be understood but by a few. Only until the Ari Ha'Kodesh came and revealed these secrets and mysteries, were they able to be formulated and taught to others, who's soul was or is connected to the level of this supernal understanding. Even so, the Ari Ha'Kodesh revealed but also concealed. The same is the very lesson that the Torah teaches that is very evident from this second posuk. Many sages rightfully explain that from this posuk, we get an overview of the world's history that includes the subjugation by the four kingdoms that will reach a culmination with the final Geula through the spirit of the Mashiach.  Of course, this is correct, but why include this information here, and why choose these specific words to reveal this information? The answer to the first question is easy. Just as the first posuk gives us an overview of the big picture what was created, so too, do we get an overview of the world's history from the very beginning. Regarding the second question, every letter and word conveys deep secrets and meaning. As much has already been written about some of these, I will only speak on the last few words, "עַל־פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם ". This מים is not counted as part of the creation process because it is vastly different from anything that came after. Behold! In the initial stage of the desire to create, there was no separation or distinction from the Supernal MA and the lower MA. They were one. Thus, is also the nature of מים. When two drops draw near to each other, they merge becoming one, indistinguishable from each other. Now understand that when Hashem said, יְהִי רָקִיעַ בְּתֹוךְ הַמָּיִם וִיהִי מַבְדִּיל בֵּין מַיִם לָמָיִם׃. The word בתוך caused the splitting and division of the supernal MA, which was the only thing that was created first. This מים with the gematria of 90 thus split in two and became מה and מה which is 45 plus 45 = 90. This is also the secret in accordance to its physical elemental properties, being made up of H2O. The H2 are the two הs now formed that when together form the actual spiritual מים. Thus the word מים is made up of double the same letters מ and י from both directions that is shared, for they are both unified as one, being a combination of the two הs.

וַיַּעַשׂ אֱ-לֹ-הִ-ים אֶת־הָרָקִיעַ וַיַּבְדֵּל בֵּין הַמַּיִם אֲשֶׁר מִתַּחַת לָרָקִיעַ וּבֵין הַמַּיִם אֲשֶׁר מֵעַל לָרָקִיעַ וַיְהִי־כֵן׃

 וַיִּקְרָא אֱ-לֹ-הִ-ים לָרָקִיעַ שָׁמָיִם וַיְהִי־עֶרֶב וַיְהִי־בֹקֶר יֹום שֵׁנִי׃

What is important to understand here is that Hashem made as is known seven various levels that consist of the שמים, one higher than the next. This is what divided the water, that caused there to be an upper water and a lower water. The size of each level or firmament is virtually immeasurable as is also the distance between each of the spiritual worlds. This is the רקיע that He created and called שמים. Thus, each spiritual world that He made, caused the רקיע to expand, thus it is spread out like a curtain that is being unrolled. Because of this, the Supernal MA, remains in its original place, being well above the heavens, but the lower water, being the MA of יצירה, has descended much lower. 

Come now and understand the secrets concerning this that is written in תהילים, קד, 

 עֹטֶה־אֹור כַּשַּׂלְמָה נֹוטֶה שָׁמַיִם כַּיְרִיעָה׃

"who covers himself with light as with a garment, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain."

When Hashem concealed Himself, where only that which emanates from Him remained, this was the light that now was revealed that He covered Himself with as it were, which is His Shefa that remained unconcealed which caused the creation of each of the worlds according to the constriction or revelation of the Shefa. This is also the first  נגה which is of the highest order and most sublime! Thus, the very first is described as  עֹטֶה־אֹור כַּשַּׂלְמָה, this garment being the first layer of His concealment is כ של מה. This is a remez to כפול של מה- double that which is מה. This is because all the Shefa would now emanate from this צימצום of His supernal name that was thus created of יוד-הא-ואו-הא which equals 45, but know originally that it first was 90, being the supernal מים that sustains everything. The second half of this posuk נֹוטֶה שָׁמַיִם כַּיְרִיעָה, is understood already in its simple meaning -who stretches out the heavens like a curtain- because each spiritual world that He made, caused the רקיע to expand, thus it is spread like a curtain. Now come and understand more! The gematria of the word כַּיְרִיעָה is equal to 315. This can be thus understood as 45 x 7 = 315. Thus, when Hashem created the רקיע, it was created by this Name of MA according to its level of revelation, where each level was more concealed for a total of seven times. Therefore, there are seven levels of the שמים as this amount with their corresponding names for each are well known. Now we can also understand why Hashem chose this name שמים to give to this רקיע that He created that caused the separation of the higher water that is the supernal MA, and the lower water - the MA of יצירה. The reason is that each of the seven levels of the רקיע, were created through this Name that represents the aspect of the Supernal waters, thus called ש-מים. It is from these waters, that the lower waters of MA (which currently are only טל and only enter into this world כטל) are still connected to the higher waters of the supernal MA. The first part of the next posuk in the תהילים of הַמְקָרֶה בַמַּיִם, can be understood as telling us the סוד to all of this, that the source is in the מים, this being the supernal higher waters of MA. 

It was regarding these secrets that we are immediately told - עַד כַּאן רָזָא דְיִחוּדָא " Until here is the Secret of the Unification. The reason is because the world did not yet reach its proper level of maturity, where only after it will reach this level, will it be able to discover and find these secrets of tikun by its own will. This will then in effect, connect the collective רצון of עם ישראל with the רצון עליון of Hashem. This is the purpose that will then bind us forever to אבינו שבשמים, where we are now able to be in a sense like Him, knowing the difference between טוב ורע, but from this point, because our רצון has reached maturity and is now in proper alignment with the רצון of Hashem having been thoroughly tested, we will now naturally only choose טוב. This is the purpose of our History of Mankind. It is to bring us to this point of mature understanding, which is mature דעת.

Hashem has imbued this spiritual DNA of יהודה and all this concept that it represents within the very essence of our soul! Because of this inherited gift, we thus already possess 2/3 of what is needed to fully accomplish our goal, as we already possess the value of 30 which is יהודה. We still need to add an additional 15 in order to actualized the הוד in our Neshamas that will connect us properly to Hashem's רצון by elevating our נשמה through 15 ascents. Herein lays the secret of the 15 posukim of the שיר המעלות!

The word המעלות is also a further hint, understanding it as מה-עלות.  Once this is completed, we will then possess 45. This causes the aspect of the light of the מה חדש through our efforts to become manifest. This שם מה, (the new light that shines below in this world from us - Man - אדם that has the same gematria that equals 45)  comes together with the other two higher ones, (meaning the other 2 Names that are both equal to 45 [one from the world of Yetzira, and the other from the highest world of Adom Kadmon] completing the total of 135. This is why these 15 special chapters of Tehiilim are found here that help us achieve the level of הוד that will give us mature דעת. This is why when these 15 are completed, the next chapter is קלה - 135. This also means "her voice", a hint to the voice of the Shechina who has now returned to her place from the exile. One should then say this chapter, to unify all three levels and Names of מה. There are many hints to this within this Perek (chapter) itself.

This is the new MA , which by our own efforts we cause to be revealed, which is also the שם הויה באלפין, which is called and known as the מה חדש. This is the new light that wondrously shown forth from the מצח of אדם קדמון that is the אור התקון (light of rectification) that causes rectification after the shattering of the vessels, as described by the ארי הקודש. This is the light that needs to be revealed through the efforts of Man, that will shine with great luminance that will cause the שכינה to awaken. When this happens, she will rise in her beauty and also return to her place. As stated before, this is because the lower Name of MA will be repaired and complete, which will allow the flow of the Shefa from the Supernal MA which is the aspect of משה רבינו to flow down to this world.  Then, all Blessings in their fullness will flow down to this world from הרי ציון .


All this is included in the name יהודה. Behold here are part of the secrets! When יהודה is spelled out in full of the aspect of MA, (gematria milui) we get - יוד, הא, ואו, דלת, הא. The gematria of this full name is equal to 479. This is the same as the word הדעת. Thus, because Adom ate from the עץ הדעת, Hashem gave us the cure that is in our spiritually genetics that will not only rectify this sin, but will cause it instead to be the vehicle that will help us reach our perfection of mature דעת. Concerning the punishment that Hashem gave to Adom and all his children thereafter is, as it is written, בְּזֵעַת אַפֶּיךָ תֹּאכַל לֶחֶם. Only through the sweat of our brow, meaning very hard work, will we be able to eat the bread that was originally meant to be freely given to us. This means that Man will now have to work extremely hard until he is able to reach the maturity of his soul. It is the hard work of this struggle of constantly choosing between טוב ורע, that will eventually make us understand the right choice that we should make. Of course, what will help us make the right choices is the Torah. The Torah is the clothes for our soul. A further remez to this is - וַיַּעֲשׂוּ לָהֶם חֲגֹרֹת , where the word חֲגֹרֹת is the same gematria as תורה. Therefore the only real thing standing in our way to the perfection and completion of מלכות that will cause to automatically usher in the era of the final Geula, is to have the maturity of הוד that will give us the proper דעת to always choose טוב over רע. Here is the remez found here! The full spelling of יהודה as דלת, הא  יוד, הא ואו, which is 479, needs 17 more to equal the number 496 which is to arrive at מלכות. The 17 that is needed to  cause this perfected דעת is to want to choose only טוב,(good)  which is equal to 17. This then is the secret to גאולה (redemption). All that is missing to change the exile to redemption is the letter א. This א symbolizes and is a remez to the שם הויה of אלפין whose gematria is equal to 45, which is the same as the word גאולה. This then is the remez to the מה חדש that is needed and has to be activated in order to shine. The ארי הקדוש gave a remez to this when he said, that Hashem gave us a world that is mostly complete in its perfection. All we have left is to do מכה פטיש, that is only just a very slight more. This then is the secret of מה חדש, whose gematria equals 357. All we need to do is add this א which will bring us to the value of 358 which equals משיח. 

These then are all the hints that Rabbi Shimon gave us! He himself knew that the world was not ready to reach the level of perfection of מלכות. Even though this was true, nevertheless, he in his own right of spiritual achievement was. To help secure his connection to the level of perfected מלכות, and to teach us a lesson about this too, he chose the day of לג בעומר which corresponds to the Sefira הוד שבהוד to leave from this physical world. Rabbi Shimon knew that the gematria of his name is equal to 466. He knew he needed an additional 30 to bring him to 496 which would attach him proper to מלכות. This is why he chose this day which was הוד שבהוד (where הוד which is 15 is doubled bringing its total to 30) and harnessed this kavana, so to add this total to his name that would make it 496 bringing him to the level of perfected מלכות. He chose הוד as the vehicle as a remez, because as it would cause him to reach the perfection of his soul and reach the level of perfected מלכות, so too will it be the vehicle for עם ישראל to reach this needed level of mature דעת. Though he could not say this explicitly as it was explained before, instead he gave a remez to this from his own example for us to follow. 

70 Elders

The Power of the 70 Elders of Israel

It is the power of the 70 elders of Israel below, that reflect and derive their power from the 70 elders of Israel above in the supernal world. Therefore, once these 70 elders (or those who contain the aspect of this power) are infused with this aspect of mature knowledge, then this emanation from them will be able to spread forth to the rest of the Children of Israel, causing them to reach this higher level too. This is comparable to a person, where the thought and desire to move from location to another first enters the person's brain (comparable to the power of the 70 elders) and then influences the rest of the body until the legs carry out the desire of the brain. 

Since we don't know which individuals truly encapsulate the aspect of these 70 elders of Israel, it is incumbent upon all the Nation of Israel to say these 15 chapters of Tehilim that will rectify the collective soul of Israel.

Come now and understand how all this fits in place along with this very special event and opportunity about this important gathering!

It is written in Yishyahu 52:8 - קֹול צֹפַיִךְ נָשְׂאוּ קֹול יַחְדָּו יְרַנֵּנוּ כִּי עַיִן בְּעַיִן יִרְאוּ בְּשׁוּב יְהוָה צִיֹּון׃.

"The voice of your watchmen- they raised a voice, together they shall sing, for eye to eye they shall see when the Lord returns to Zion."

Here begin the secrets! For because of the 70 זקני ישראל (elders of Israel), in the 70th year from the return of the Land of Israel to the Nation of Israel bestowed from G-d, we will merit to see Hashem's return to ציון (Zion)!

What is the קול צפיך (The voice of your watchmen)? This is the yearning קול (voice) of our חתן (groom- meaning G-d) who has been waiting patiently for His כלה,(bride -who are the Children of Israel) בני ישראל, to finally reach her full maturity and desire for her Husband. She will finally understand the signs left by her Husband and come join Him under the חפה יחדו (the Marriage Canopy together as one). When she arrives, her חתן will marry her and take her for His wife -(לאשה). Not only this, but He will completely forgive her -(ולכפר אותה). All these are the secrets of the words - קֹול צֹפַיִךְ that are equal to these words being the gematria of 336.

Come and understand this profound gematria of these words, קֹול צֹפַיִךְ נָשְׂאוּ קֹול יַחְדָּ (not including the last vav of the word יַחְדָּו). The gematria of these words totals 851 which is a hint to this signaling the period and Tikun (rectification) that is possible to be achieved of בעתה אחשנה (in its time I will hasten it - meaning the final redemption).

understanding this, we are able to understand the Hebrew word - נָשְׂאוּ (they raised) as the Hebrew word  ( נשאו(ה - married. קול יחדו (the unified voice) is אחדות (unity) of the desire and love of the חתן וכלה (the groom and bride - meaning, G-d and the Children of Israel).

Now understand how this is related to Hoshaya הושע 2:21, as written,

וְאֵרַשְׂתִּיךְ לִי - "And I will betroth you to Me." This is a hint to our posuk (verse) - with the hint - לאשה (for a wife). The gematria AtBash of these 2 words is equal to 616. This is the binding connection to התורה (the Torah) which has the same regular gematria that equals 616. This is also a hintto the posuk and word in Shemot, 20:22

וַיֹּאמֶר יְ-ה-וָ-ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁה כֹּה תֹאמַר אֶל־בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אַתֶּם רְאִיתֶם כִּי מִן־הַשָּׁמַיִם דִּבַּרְתִּי עִמכֶם׃

The remez is in the word דִּבַּרְתִּי, where the gematria of this word is also 616. When we have connected ourselves to Hashem and the Torah, then our relationship is like a husband and wife in love, with direct communication known as face to face.


Understanding the Tikun/through the Shofar

The Frequency of the World - the Old and the New

Everyone who attends or wants to take part in this special gathering should bring their shofar if they have one! In conclusion of this event and gathering, we will blow our shofars, with the kavana of it being השפר (the shofar) with the gematria of 585, with the understanding that the first long blast is called תקיעה (Tekiya). These kavanot are the understanding of bringing אחדות (unity) to עם ישראל,(the Nation of Israel) and אחדות of this עולם תחתון (lower world) with the עולם עליון (upper world). Thus the gematria of תקיעה is 585. This is to be then divided by 45, the שם מ״ה, which equalsis 13 - אחד (one).The same is then for the kavanot of השפר, with its blowing. After, we take both values of 13- אחד, and unite them to manifest that in essence all is the שם ה״ויה -(the Holy Name of G-d - י-ה-ו-ה) the gematria of 26, with the kavanot of מ״ה. 

It is through these kavanot, תפילות (prayers) and the gathering of the 70 זקני ישראל (power of the 70 elders of Israel) in אחדות (unity) and showing it, that can cause the final blowing of השפר to take effect. The kavanot is to add, and elevate the קול (voice/sound) that will trigger the sign of בעתה (in its time) from that point on! If we are זוכה (worthy), there will be a return of the sound from above, that of - תקע בשופר הגדול. (the sound of the great shofar [from the heavens]).

What triggers the time of בעתה, is to focus on the regular world frequency of this world which is 432 hz. A hint to this is that the word for this earth in Hebrew is also called תבל (Tevel) that has the gematria equal to 432. This number and frequency is caused by the doubling of the 216 letters that comprise  the שם המפרש,(very special Name of G-d that is known as the 72 Name of G-d). It is through the kavanot that we add to the frequency 45, which is the Shem מה (the 45 value Name of G-d that we caused to be manifest through the light of the M"A Chadash) מ"ה חדש. This then totals 477 which is the gematria of בעתה. The first hint to all of this is from the first word in reference to sound, frequency- something heard in the Torah. This was in regard to Adom hearing the voice of G-d, as written in Berashit 3:8,

וַיִּשְׁמְע֞וּ אֶת־ק֨וֹל יְקוָ֧ק אֱלֹקים מִתְהַלֵּ֥ךְ בַּגָּ֖ן לְר֣וּחַ הַיּ֑וֹם וַיִּתְחַבֵּ֨א הָֽאָדָ֜ם וְאִשְׁתּ֗וֹ מִפְּנֵי֙ יְקוָ֣ק אֱלֹקים בְּת֖וֹךְ עֵ֥ץ הַגָּֽן

"And they heard the voice of the Lord God going in the garden to the direction of the sun, and the man and his wife hid from before the Lord God in the midst of the trees of the garden."

The gematria of this word וישמעו (and they heard) equals 432. Now also see that in the blessing of Moshe to Yehuda , the roshe tevot of these words  וַיֹּאמַר שְׁמַע יְקוָק קֹול יְהוּדָה וְאֶל are also equal to 432. The first 2 words of this posuk, וזאת ליהודה (and this for Yehuda) are equal to the gematria of 474, which is the same value of the word דעת (knowledge). This is a further hint to this rectification and action required.

Putting It All Together

It is through the aspect of הוד שבהוד (Hod of Hod) that helps to rectify the blemish is our knowledge; causing us to have in our current collective state - immature knowledge. There are different dates that correspond to the aspect of הוד שבהוד (Hod of Hod), where the most known is the date and counting which is Lag B'Omer. Another is the 5th month which is Av, This being the 5th month corresponding to the 5th Sefira which is הוד. This also includes the 5th day according to the cycle of 7 days. Therefore, the day that the Holy Arie (Rabbi Yitzchok Luria) ascended from this world (his yortzait) was on the 5th of the Hebrew month of Av - הוד שבהוד (Hod of Hod).

Since this is the month of הוד and the gematria equals 15, thus there is also the aspect of הוד שבהוד on the 15th of Av.

Therefore, the event of this gathering is is also chosen for this reason as well as all the other reasons given before. It is important to have people stationed for this gathering/event in all 4 cities that contain the elements- רוח,מים, אש, עפר (air, water, fire, and earth) which ar the cities in Israel , Safed, Tiberas, Jerusalem, and Hebron - Cave of our Patriarchs צפת, טבריה, ירושלים, חברון -מערת המכפלה. The gematria of these 4 elements is 955. This is the same as the milieu of the gematria of the chosen month - אב-יב.

By doing this there is the kavana of נעשה אדם (the making of Man) who was created from all 4 elements, to cause the revelation of the light of the מה חדש ( meaning our manifesting the light of the M"A Chadash below in this world).

This month is to be completed, which turns אב into אביב, symbolizing גאולה (redemption). The gemaratria of אביב is 15. This word and month symbolizes the unity between אב (father - Hashem, with יב- the Children of Israel). This date falls out this year of 5778 on יום ששי,(the 6th day which is Friday) which is very appropriate and most opportune! This was the original day when Hashem created אדם (Adom-Man) This is the secret of His words, נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָם בְּצַלְמֵנוּ כִּדְמוּתֵנוּ. ("Let us make Man in our image and in our likeness"). This could be understood that Hashem was giving a hint that He will create  (Adom) אדם first, but in the designated time, the power of the 70 root souls that will be available to encapsulate the power; being the aspect of the שבעים זקני ישראל, living at that time will then also make ״אדם״ the revelation of the שם מ"ה of the מה חדש. Just as Hashem formed אדם from the 4 elements, so too, do they combine the spiritual properties of the 4 elements via the 4 holy cities, to make אדם. 

In conclusion, the שפר is sounded, with the kavana of it being השפר, with the gematria of 585 with the rest of the kavanot as explained above.

What must also be pointed out is that the Torah reading for that Shabat of the week of the 15th of Av, is Parshat ואתחנן (Vaetchanan - And I Prayed). This is exactly what we will be doing! The gematria of this word is 515. When we add 70 to this value for the aspect of the 70 Elders of Israel, we then have a total of 585, which is the same as the word - השפר.

It is this word and concept that is at the core and center of our 2 intertwined names: יהודה. This is what is being conveyed on the outer level through this blowing of the שופר, where the breath emanates from the innards of a person. It is with the sign and aspect of הוד, that we reach our proper level of maturity. Only when the maturity of הוד is added to our being, where our being is יהודה with the gematria of 30, that now gets added to 15 which is הוד, for a total of 45, do we properly reach our destined level and title of being אדם. Even the vessel that causes the sound to manifest is a clue and sign to the deeper levels! Thus, the gematria of the shofar as written by the giving of the עשרת הדיברות is - השפר with the gematria of 585. The value of 45 divides into 585 exactly 13 times. This reveals the oneness (being the gematria of אחד), but also being an exact half of the whole, 26, which is the gematria of the Shem Havaya. Thus in the deepest levels of essence, אדם is equal to 45, created in His image of 45, the Shem מה, to reflect the highest level of his concealed garment, the most lofty level. Thus together are we intimately one!

Just One More Hint For Now For Those who Still Want a Little More......

It is written in שיר השירים in פרק ב the words - הִשְׁבַּ֨עְתִּי אֶתְכֶ֜ם בְּנ֤וֹת יְרֽוּשָׁלַ֙ ִם֙ בִּצְבָא֔וֹת א֖וֹ בְּאַיְל֣וֹת הַשָּׂדֶ֑ה אִם־תָּעִ֧ירוּ | וְֽאִם־תְּעֽוֹרְר֛וּ אֶת־הָאַֽהֲבָ֖ה עַ֥ד שֶׁתֶּחְפָּֽץ:

This is also repeated again in פרק ג. 

When we look at פרק ח, we see a פסוק that is almost the same -   הִשְׁבַּעְתִּי אֶתְכֶם בְּנֹות יְרוּשָׁלִָם מַה־תָּעִירוּ וּמַה־תְּעֹרְרוּ אֶת־הָאַהֲבָה עַד שֶׁתֶּחְפָּץ׃ 

We can ask, why are these words repeated three times, and why is the third time written differently with these specific changes?

This is a hint to the three times that the desire of Hashem would be roused to have a dwelling with His people; a hint to the 3 בית המקדשים. The first 2 were in the time of the נביאים and מלך, these being a hint to the בְּאַיְלֹות. These were also dependent on the judgements of the heavenly angles, the בִּצְבָאֹות. Therefore, depending on Bne Yisroel's commitment of keeping the Torah would determine how long the בית המקדש would stand, and the amount of time that בני ישראל would live in the land. The 2 פסוקים being very close to each other, is a hint that the 2 Temples would be built and rebuilt in a close time period. The 3rd mention, being in the last פרק, is a hint to the 3rd בית המקדש that will be built and come down from heaven much later in history, in the end of days. This בית המקדש has no conditions and will thus last forever! In the time leading up to this, there will be no נביאים. Also, after the long period of death and suffering and the level of the עם, there will be no judgements from the heavenly hosts; thus these two, - בִּצְבָאֹות ובְּאַיְלֹות are omitted in this verse. In addition, there does not even have to be a full arousal from below to cause an awakening above. Hashem knows that this generation in these last days will not have the knowledge and understanding that the earlier generations possessed in order to cause properly the arousal from above. Hashem therefore gave us hints about what will cause the arousal of His love in that future time. 

Concerning this it is written,  מַה־תָּעִירוּ וּמַה־תְּעֹרְרוּ. The clue and hint to this is in regard to the secret and understanding of מה. It is though the aspect of this Name of Hashem, that will cause His arousal, that will be understood properly when we have reached the level of mature דעת. When this happens, we will understand and reveal our signs of maturity through these signs that resound from השפר. We will use the very breath that Hashem breathed into us that caused us to become a living being. It is this breath that emanates from within our inner self. The essence of this breath is הוד קולך, as written in the עמידה of ראש השנה. The gematria of these 2 words is 171. This is the same, and the secret to the other 2 words also written in the עמידה of ראש השנה, the words quoted from the Navi, הָמוּ מֵעַי, as written in יYermiyahu 31:19, הֲבֵן יַקִּיר לִי אֶפְרַיִם אִם יֶלֶד שַׁעֲשֻׁעִים כִּי־מִדֵּי דַבְּרִי בֹּו זָכֹר אֶזְכְּרֶנּוּ עֹוד עַל־כֵּן הָמוּ מֵעַי לֹו רַחֵם אֲרַחֲמֶנּוּ נְאֻם־יְ-ה-וָ-ה׃

""Is Ephraim a son who is dear to Me? Is he a child who is dandled? For whenever I speak of him, I still remember him: therefore, My very innards are agitated for him; I will surely have compassion on him," says the Lord."

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