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Help Bring the Redemption

Why Is This Year, 5778, So Important?

The Gaon of Vilna had Ruach Hakodesh, and he explicitly wrote in his commentary to Sefer Dezniyuta Para 5, 54b, that "according to the time when Adom (ha'rishon) was created and when he first stood up, one can know the period, when at the end, the messiah will come. However, I took an oath that I will not reveal the matter,"

But after the Vilna Gaon passed away in 1798, the sages of Jerusalem came and explained that this period begins in the year 5708 (1948).
How is this calculated?  the Vilna Ga'on also wrote that seventy years would be the period that is referred as the birth-pains of the Messiah -a very difficult period before his coming,  (in his commentary on the corrections of the Zohar, page 5b), and I brought this in Sefer Malil to Avraham Sha'ar 3:19. that this year, 2018, is the seventieth year when counting from the year1948.

From the weekly shiur of Rabbi Meir Mazuz shlita, 26 Elul 5767

This month and day, the 15th of the Hebrew month of Av (Tu B'Av) in this year, is the special day of Love  (Ahava) to cause selfless love (ahavat chinam) that rectifies causeless hatred (sinat chinam), Thanks (hodaot) and Unity (achdut). This day is not like any other day! We are given the opportunity to show the Holy One, blessed be He, that we are ready for redemption - praying and hoping that G-d will redeem us in His mercy! There are many signs and hints that this window of opportunity will be available to us especially on this date and this year.
We emphasize! We do not say with certainty that this special day will be the beginning of redemption and that the Messiah will come, even though we wait for it to happen every day. Only G-d knows when and on what day the beginning of the redemption will begin; but we are only doing this event, to show the Holy One, blessed be He, that the people of Israel, as a nation, are trying to prepare themselves and achieve the right for the complete redemption!
Now let's understand! Immediately after our greatest day of decline which happened on the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av - (Tisha B'Av)

which included the destruction of the two Holy Temples; our greatest ascension will come, the day which will become the day of Supreme Consummation of our special relationship with God, that could lead to the final redemption!
The entire nation of Israel is called upon to thank G-d and to unite on this special day.
The secret is to demonstrate the spiritual strength and merit of the power of the seventy elders of Israel, together with the people of Israel.
Only God knows which people who are living today truly embody the root and spiritual power of the seventy elders of Israel. These people can be among our greatest rabbis, but they can also be hidden sages, even you! Only God knows the soul of every person!
Therefore, it is incumbent on all the people of the nation of Israel to join and participate and to pray with all of ones heart and soul, accepting upon themselves the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven, The restoration of the kingdom of the House of David, and to have G-d bring down or build His Holy Temple for all the people of the world!

How You Can Participate

There are many levels of how you can participate. These range from a person who forms or joins a small group where he or she is on this day out of a desire to give thanks to God, to those who join one of the large groups in one of the holy cities and places designated in Israel showing solidarity and unity to pray and give thanks to G-d plus understanding the intentions (kavanot) of the prayers.

Code Words of Redemption Connected to This Year

Redemption Code Words

This year, the Holy One, blessed be He, gives us a special opportunity to show that we are ready and truly want complete redemption. As stated in the Zohar, "it is the action below (in the physical world) that causes the action above (in the spiritual heavenly world).

This year is the year of "I will surely remember"  (Pakod Pakadtie- פקד פקדתי), the statement made by G-d that marked the beginning of the first redemption from Egypt. These words Pakod Pakadtie- פקד פקדתי have the gematria that equals 778.
The year 5778 is the seventieth year of the return of Jewish sovereignty to the Land of Israel by G-d through hidden and even revealed miracles. The gematria AtBash of the Hebrew year תשע"ח which is  (5)778 = 70.

It must be understood that the gematria of the three Hebrew words, אהבה, הודאות, אחדות  (Love, Thanks, and Unity), equal 854. This is a hint to the possible key to our final redemption! The clue lies in the Hebrew words, בשבעים נפש (in seventy souls), where these two words together have the gematria that equal 854, as written, Devarim 10:22, "With seventy souls, Your forefathers descended to Egypt, and now the L-rd, your G-d, has made you as the stars of heaven in abundance." (בְּשִׁבְעִ֣ים נֶ֔פֶשׁ יָֽרְד֥וּ אֲבֹתֶ֖יךָ מִצְרָ֑יְמָה וְעַתָּ֗ה שָֽׂמְךָ֙ יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ כְּכֽוֹכְבֵ֥י הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם לָרֹֽב:)


This verse refers to the importance of the connection of what is said about the seventy root souls of the Jewish people, which correspond to the supreme spiritual power from the seventy root souls of the children of Israel from Above. The elders of Israel in every generation receive their power and blessing for the people of Israel from these souls. The hint and implication is that the gematria of the first three words of the Priestly Blessing (Birkat Ha'Kohanim) יברכך יקוק וישמרך -" May G-d bless you" - also equal 854.

It can also be noted that the gematria of the word הודאות "giving-thanks" equals 422. This is the same gematria of the word שבעים "seventy." In addition, the two words -  הודאות, "giving-thanks" and אחדות "unity" are equal to the word להשקות "watering".
This is a hint of the verse (Berashit 2:10) and its meaning, וְנָהָר יֹצֵא מֵעֵדֶן לְהַשְׁקֹות אֶת־הַגָּן.... "And a river issued forth from Eden to water the garden ...". "And a river" represents the abundance that descends from above, in order to give spiritual sustenance to this world .


Since our exile that began with the destruction of the First Holy Temple, the source of spiritual sustenance is blocked! The way to make it flow again, meaning, לְהַשְׁקֹות -  "to water" the garden, is through the words הודאות "giving thanks" and אחדות "unity."
 Let us now understand better the words הודאות
"giving thanks" and אחדות "unity."" according to the clue that the Kabbalist Rabbi Levi Saadia Nachmani - Z"L wrote.  He wrote that the complete redemption  will not come as a result of the cries of the people of Israel from the suffering and pain of the world, but the complete redemption will come when the Jewish people will call out, crying to G-d out of אהבה ורצון טוב -" love and goodwill"!

These three words, אהבה, רצון, טוב "love, will, good", together have the gematria that is equal to 376.  This is also the same gematria of the word שלום "peace". It alludes to how we can finally achieve real peace!

Now let's take a closer look at the secret of these words. The three exact words, as written by the Kabbalist Rabbi Levi Saadia Nachmani  Z"L, are מאהבה ורצון, טוב "from love and Goodwill". The gematria of these three words together equal 422, just like the word הודאות "giving thanks"!
It is important to note that these three words are clues to the kavanot (deeper understandings and intentions) of this event and task.

Let us now understand how this event and task relate to the section regarding the topic of "the breaking of the ax" (Ta'anit 26b)! Breaking the ax expresses the ultimate purpose of the Temple, on whose ruins we mourn on the ninth of Av, and that rebuilding it will bring the world to the harmony of the final redemption and the King Messiah.
The sages explain: "Rabbi says: that the iron/metal was created to shorten the days of man, and the altar was created to prolong the days of man...(Mishnah Midot 3: 4). Therefore, breaking the ax symbolizes the removal of death from the world. At the beginning of creation it was supposed to be done by eating from the tree of life.

Come now and see the hint how this year 5778 is connected to this!  This year, we have the possibility of making a final rectification that will bring us to the level of a "mature understanding" as it was supposed to be from the beginning - that once we reach this lofty level of mature understanding, then we are worthy of eating from the tree of life. A hint of this lies in the gematria milui (the full spelling of each of the Hebrew letters of each word) of the words עץ החיים "Tree of Life" that equal (5)778 .

This date in the month of Av has already been fixed in our calendar as the greatest 15th day of all the year. If in this month of Av, which is coming, if the final redemption arrives, and if the Redeemer appears, the "day of breaking the ax" will be revealed along with its glorious light, and thus it will manifest before our eyes that this15th of Av will be revealed as our great holiday Reach its full enlightenment and glory!

If we add to our learning of the Torah and increase our mitzvot observance, plus make this necessary rectification through this event and the task that we are to accomplish this year of 5778, then we will (with the grace of G-d) enter the next year 5779 which will be the epoch of the Sabbath of complete redemption - geulah. The hint of this is the gematria of the words together שמור "keep" and זכור "remember" that equal  (5)779. This is also the Gematria according to the AtBash (reverse numerical value of the Hebrew letters) of the opening to the Ten Commandments  "אנכי י-ה-ו-ה".- "I am the L-rd.

If so, what should we do? First of all, we must gather together - all of the nation of Israel - in true unity! The Holy One, blessed be He, has been patiently waiting for us to prove our unity through a real "unified gathering". By doing this we will also have the potential to express the power of the 70 elders of Israel, ie, the special righteous ones from all streams - Ashkenazim, Yemenites, Lithuanians, Hasidim, יחד שבטי ישראל  -  "Together the Tribes of Israel".

Here is part of the secret of the Mishnah and the Gemara! In the Mishna it is written:ובנות ירושלים יוצאות וחולות בכרמים "And the daughters of Jerusalem go forth and dance in the vineyards."
The Gemara states - Taanit 31a

: אמר רבי אלעזר עתיד הקדוש ברוך הוא לעשות מחול לצדיקים והוא יושב ביניהם בגן עדן וכל אחד ואחד מראה באצבעו שנאמ' {ישעיה כה-ט} ואמר ביום ההוא הנה אלקנו זה קוינו לו ויושיענו זה ה' קוינו לו נגילה ונשמחה בישועתו:" "Rabbi Elazar said: In the future, in the end of days, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will arrange a dance of the righteous, and He will be sitting among them in the Garden of Eden, and each and every one of the righteous will point to G-d with his finger, as it is stated: “And it shall be said on that day: Behold, this is our G-d, for whom we waited, that He might save us. This is the L-rd; for whom we waited. We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation” (Yeshiah 25:9). G-d will be revealed, so that every righteous individual will be able to say: This is our God, as though they were pointing at Him with a finger."


It is important to understand and take it to your heart! It is really possible that the people who take part in this event, who gather together on this day for the sake of unity with the yearning desire of ones heart and soul showing true gratitude and love for our G-d, will be considered to be among the righteous, since they show how much they love G-d, and how much they strive to end the long and bitter exile and want to show that we are ready for complete redemption!

Come and see now a deep secret of the chosen specific words that are written in our mishnah, the words וחולות בכרמים "and dancing in the vineyards" together have the gematria of 768. This is also the gematria of the full verse (Song of Songs 2: 4).

הֱבִיאַ֨נִי֙ אֶל־בֵּ֣ית הַיָּ֔יִן וְדִגְל֥וֹ עָלַ֖י אַֽהֲבָֽה, " He brought me to His house of wine, and His banner of love is upon me".
There are many hints and secrets found in what appears to be just a simple verse. Here are just a few secrets now.

The first word, the Hebrew word,  הבִיאַנִי " He brought me", contains the letters that form the words י-ה אב. (the 15th of Av). This is a hint that G-d chose the month and the day in particular. In addition, the full gematria of this word is 78, which is a hint to the chosen year, 5778. The small gematria of this word is 15, another hint on the day and the rectification through הוד (Hod - more to be elaborated about this most important subject and kavanot later ). When we put all this together, the hidden meaning reveals: He (G-d) will bring me according to the year of 78 (a hint to the year 5778,the month of אב  "Av", and on the day of the 15th "י-ה", to the wine house, יין "wine" which has the gematria of 70,  is the secret and hint of the power of the seventy elders of Israel.

There is even more! The full gematria of the words in the verse, {Devarim 30:16}

אָנֹכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיֹּום לְאַהֲבָה אֶת יְ-ה-ו-ה

"...that I command you to love the L-rd",  also have the gematria total of 768!
And here it is written, "The voice of your shadow shall bear a voice, and together we shall sing: for eye to eye shall see the return of the Lord, Zion."

The Four Holy Cities

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